Swashplate — A swashplate is a device used in mechanical engineering to translate the motion of a rotating shaft into reciprocating motion. Conversely it can translate a reciprocating motion into a rotating one and can be used to replace the crankshaft in… … Wikipedia
Swashplate engine — Almen A 4 barrel engine A swashplate engine, also called a barrel engine, is one type of axial engine. Swashplate engines are a type of reciprocating engine that replaces the common crankshaft with a circular swashplate which rotates. The key… … Wikipedia
Swashplate (helicopter) — This article is about the swashplate in helicopters, see also the swashplate article which describes all uses of the mechanism. A swashplate is a device that translates the pilot s (or autopilot s) commands via the helicopter flight controls into … Wikipedia
swashplate pump — siurblys su reguliavimo disku statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. swashplate pump vok. Taumelscheibenpumpe, f rus. насос с диском регулирования, m pranc. pompe à plateau de réglage, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Schrägscheibenmaschine — Eine Schrägscheibenmaschine ist ein Gerät, welches in der Hydraulik als Axialkolbenpumpe zur Umsetzung mechanischer Energie (Drehmoment, Drehzahl) in hydraulische Energie (Volumenstrom, Druck) oder als Axialkolbenmotor zur Umsetzung von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cyclic/collective pitch mixing — In Radio controlled helicopters, Cyclic/collective pitch mixing (CCPM) is used to reduce mechanical complexity and increase precision of the control of the helicopter s swashplate. How CCPM mechanical mixing works Conventional model helicopters… … Wikipedia
Helicopter rotor — This article is about helicopter main rotor systems. For antitorque control, see tail rotor. Helicopter rotor The rotor head of a Sikorsky S 92 A helicopter main rotor or rotor system is a type of fan that is used to generate both the aerodynamic … Wikipedia
Variable displacement pump — A variable displacement pump is a device that converts mechanical energy to hydraulic (fluid) energy. The displacement, or amount of fluid pumped per revolution of the pump s input shaft can be varied while the pump is running.Many variable… … Wikipedia
Canadair CL-227 Sentinel — The CL 227 Sentinel is a remote controlled unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) made by Canadair. It displays a distinctively unusual bulbous hourglass profile. Lift is provided by a paired set of helicopter rotors emanating from the waist of the system … Wikipedia
E-Sky Lama model helicopters — The E Sky Lama family of model helicopters comprises small, 4 channel, remote controlled electric coaxial helicopters produced by E Sky. These include the original Lama, the Lama V2, Lama V3 and Lama V4, a series of coaxial remote control… … Wikipedia
Helicopter flight controls — Location of flight controls in a helicopter A helicopter pilot manipulates the helicopter flight controls in order to achieve controlled aerodynamic flight.[1] The changes made to … Wikipedia